Friday, May 28, 2010


If you have 45 minutes to space out. Listen to Earthless' 2007 album Rhythms from a Cosmic Sky (Tee Pee Records)--It is instrumental and extremely heavy psychedelic music that does not shy away from an outrageous groove.

It is extremely rare that a band can keep a psychedelic jam going for more than 5 minutes without losing your fact 90% of jam bands bore me to tears. Listening to Earthless however, it feels like they could play for an eternity and you would just sit there, relishing it. Basically, this band is like LSD for the ears.

Earthless combines music that is as groove oriented and bluesy as Hendrix and Cream with Psychedelia that is as spacey as Pink Floyd and the Mars Volta, without worrying about indie street cred. No high pitched voices or drum machines....these guys just play hard, Analog, and loud.

Earthless is the type of music that Silver Surfer would dig.

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