Friday, December 10, 2010

Some pretty Offensive album covers

A friend recently sent me a link to the “Worst album covers of 2010”.
My first thought :”Those aren’t that bad”. My second thought: “ I bet I could come up with worse”. So h
ere is a list of album covers that I think are pretty offensive (even though I like quite a few of them). This list is not in any order and is in no way a commentary on the music.

Type O Negative: Origin of the feces

Simple. Elegant. A close-up of late singer/bassist Peter Steele’s asshole.

Mayhem: Dawn of the Black Hearts

When Mayhem front man Per Yngve Ohlin (AKA Dead) committed suicide by shooting himself in the head, his band mates that arrived on the scene, instead of calling the police, left to buy a disposable camera and take pictures. One of these classy pictures was then used as the album cover of this semi-official release.

Black Crowes: Amorica

What makes this wonderful album cover truly genius: if you crop out everything outside of the triangle, It looks like an immaculately folded flag.

Great White: Hooked

This is classic because this is what I believe Spinal tap was going for with ‘Smell the Glove”.

Hurricane: Slave to the Thrill

The Geiger influence in this very noticeable.

Big Black: Headache

I really did not want to post a picture of this, because it is too messed up. It can be googled

Mama Lion- Preserve Wildlife

This touching album cover shows the singer Lynn Carey nursing a cub.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Atomic Bitchwax

Good God this band absolutely kills! Rock and roll the way it should be. Riff heavy and groovy as hell.

Friday, May 28, 2010


If you have 45 minutes to space out. Listen to Earthless' 2007 album Rhythms from a Cosmic Sky (Tee Pee Records)--It is instrumental and extremely heavy psychedelic music that does not shy away from an outrageous groove.

It is extremely rare that a band can keep a psychedelic jam going for more than 5 minutes without losing your fact 90% of jam bands bore me to tears. Listening to Earthless however, it feels like they could play for an eternity and you would just sit there, relishing it. Basically, this band is like LSD for the ears.

Earthless combines music that is as groove oriented and bluesy as Hendrix and Cream with Psychedelia that is as spacey as Pink Floyd and the Mars Volta, without worrying about indie street cred. No high pitched voices or drum machines....these guys just play hard, Analog, and loud.

Earthless is the type of music that Silver Surfer would dig.

Monday, March 8, 2010

How i got over

The Roots may be the only group in hiphop history that continue to be relevant on their 11th album. Everything about "how I got over" grabs you. Its groovy, its got absolutely amazing lyrics, Black thought can sing as well as he raps, and of course, ?uestlove has drum grooves out the butt.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Jimi Hendrix-Valleys of Neptune

Good God i love Hendrix, so this makes me nervous as well as excited. According to Jambase, "Experience Hendrix LLC and Sony Music Entertainment's Legacy Recordings will launch their monumental 2010 Jimi Hendrix Catalog Project on Tuesday, March 9, with the release of Valleys of Neptune, a newly curated album of 12 fully realized studio recordings, more than 60 minutes of music never commercially available on a Jimi Hendrix album."

This is the Experience and not the Band of Gypsies but hey, its Jimi Effing Hendrix, and this is the newest Hendrix we've had in a while.

For the full article:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Chick Corea

Chick Corea is awesome. He uses his piano as a means of communication. This video proves that he can communicate with aliens and the 80's.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Socrates Drank the Conium

This is a short one. I heard Wolfmother's "The Joker and the Thief" the other day and thought about how much Socrates Drank the Conium Rules...listen to their song Who is to has been blatantly ripped off.